Determine All Matrices Satisfying Some Conditions on Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Problems and Solutions of Eigenvalue, Eigenvector in Linear Algebra

Problem 423

Determine all $2\times 2$ matrices $A$ such that $A$ has eigenvalues $2$ and $-1$ with corresponding eigenvectors
1 \\
\end{bmatrix} \text{ and } \begin{bmatrix}
2 \\
\end{bmatrix},\] respectively.

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Suppose that $A$ is a $2\times 2$ matrix having eigenvalues $2$ and $-1$ with corresponding eigenvectors
1 \\
\end{bmatrix} \text{ and } \begin{bmatrix}
2 \\
\end{bmatrix},\] respectively.
Then since $A$ has two distinct eigenvalues, the matrix $A$ is diagonalizable.
As we know eigenvectors, we can diagonalize $A$ by the matrix
1 & 2\\
0& 1
\end{bmatrix}.\] That is, we have
2 & 0\\
0& -1
\end{bmatrix}.\] The inverse matrix of $S$ is given by
1 & -2\\
0& 1
\end{bmatrix}.\] It follows that we have
2 & 0\\
0& -1
\end{bmatrix}S^{-1}\\[6pt] &=
1 & 2\\
0& 1
2 & 0\\
0& -1
1 & -2\\
0& 1
\end{bmatrix}\\[6pt] &=\begin{bmatrix}
2 & -6\\
0& -1

Therefore, the only matrix satisfying the given conditions is
2 & -6\\
0& -1

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