Tagged: group theory

Special Linear Group is a Normal Subgroup of General Linear Group

Problem 332

Let $G=\GL(n, \R)$ be the general linear group of degree $n$, that is, the group of all $n\times n$ invertible matrices.
Consider the subset of $G$ defined by
\[\SL(n, \R)=\{X\in \GL(n,\R) \mid \det(X)=1\}.\] Prove that $\SL(n, \R)$ is a subgroup of $G$. Furthermore, prove that $\SL(n,\R)$ is a normal subgroup of $G$.
The subgroup $\SL(n,\R)$ is called special linear group

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The Additive Group $\R$ is Isomorphic to the Multiplicative Group $\R^{+}$ by Exponent Function

Problem 322

Let $\R=(\R, +)$ be the additive group of real numbers and let $\R^{\times}=(\R\setminus\{0\}, \cdot)$ be the multiplicative group of real numbers.

(a) Prove that the map $\exp:\R \to \R^{\times}$ defined by
\[\exp(x)=e^x\] is an injective group homomorphism.

(b) Prove that the additive group $\R$ is isomorphic to the multiplicative group
\[\R^{+}=\{x \in \R \mid x > 0\}.\]

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Torsion Subgroup of an Abelian Group, Quotient is a Torsion-Free Abelian Group

Problem 307

Let $A$ be an abelian group and let $T(A)$ denote the set of elements of $A$ that have finite order.

(a) Prove that $T(A)$ is a subgroup of $A$.

(The subgroup $T(A)$ is called the torsion subgroup of the abelian group $A$ and elements of $T(A)$ are called torsion elements.)

(b) Prove that the quotient group $G=A/T(A)$ is a torsion-free abelian group. That is, the only element of $G$ that has finite order is the identity element.

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Generators of the Augmentation Ideal in a Group Ring

Problem 302

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with $1$ and let $G$ be a finite group with identity element $e$. Let $RG$ be the group ring. Then the map $\epsilon: RG \to R$ defined by
\[\epsilon(\sum_{i=1}^na_i g_i)=\sum_{i=1}^na_i,\] where $a_i\in R$ and $G=\{g_i\}_{i=1}^n$, is a ring homomorphism, called the augmentation map and the kernel of $\epsilon$ is called the augmentation ideal.

(a) Prove that the augmentation ideal in the group ring $RG$ is generated by $\{g-e \mid g\in G\}$.

(b) Prove that if $G=\langle g\rangle$ is a finite cyclic group generated by $g$, then the augmentation ideal is generated by $g-e$.
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