Find All Values of $x$ such that the Matrix is Invertible

Inverse Matrices Problems and Solutions

Problem 721

Given any constants $a,b,c$ where $a\neq 0$, find all values of $x$ such that the matrix $A$ is invertible if
1 & 0 & c \\
0 & a & -b \\
-1/a & x & x^{2}

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We know that $A$ is invertible precisely when $\det(A)\neq 0$. We therefore compute, by expanding along the first row,
a & -b \\ x & x^{2}
0 & a \\ -1/a & x
Thus $\det(A)\neq 0$ when $ax^{2}+bx+c\neq 0$. We know by the quadratic formula that $ax^{2}+bx+c=0$ precisely when
\] Therefore, $A$ is invertible so long as $x$ satisfies both of the following inequalities:

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