Tagged: complex vector

Dot Product, Lengths, and Distances of Complex Vectors

Problem 689

For this problem, use the complex vectors
\[ \mathbf{w}_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 1 + i \\ 1 – i \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} , \, \mathbf{w}_2 = \begin{bmatrix} -i \\ 0 \\ 2 – i \end{bmatrix} , \, \mathbf{w}_3 = \begin{bmatrix} 2+i \\ 1 – 3i \\ 2i \end{bmatrix} . \]

Suppose $\mathbf{w}_4$ is another complex vector which is orthogonal to both $\mathbf{w}_2$ and $\mathbf{w}_3$, and satisfies $\mathbf{w}_1 \cdot \mathbf{w}_4 = 2i$ and $\| \mathbf{w}_4 \| = 3$.

Calculate the following expressions:

(a) $ \mathbf{w}_1 \cdot \mathbf{w}_2 $.

(b) $ \mathbf{w}_1 \cdot \mathbf{w}_3 $.

(c) $((2+i)\mathbf{w}_1 – (1+i)\mathbf{w}_2 ) \cdot \mathbf{w}_4$.

(d) $\| \mathbf{w}_1 \| , \| \mathbf{w}_2 \|$, and $\| \mathbf{w}_3 \|$.

(e) $\| 3 \mathbf{w}_4 \|$.

(f) What is the distance between $\mathbf{w}_2$ and $\mathbf{w}_3$?

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Equivalent Conditions to be a Unitary Matrix

Problem 29

A complex matrix is called unitary if $\overline{A}^{\trans} A=I$.

The inner product $(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y})$ of complex vector $\mathbf{x}$, $\mathbf{y}$ is defined by $(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y}):=\overline{\mathbf{x}}^{\trans} \mathbf{y}$. The length of a complex vector $\mathbf{x}$ is defined to be $||\mathbf{x}||:=\sqrt{(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{x})}$.

Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ complex matrix. Prove that the followings are equivalent.

(a) The matrix $A$ is unitary.

(b) $||A \mathbf{x}||=|| \mathbf{x}||$ for any $n$-dimensional complex vector $\mathbf{x}$.

(c) $(A\mathbf{x}, A\mathbf{y})=(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y})$ for any $n$-dimensional complex vectors $x, y$

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