Tagged: norm

Eigenvalues of Orthogonal Matrices Have Length 1. Every $3\times 3$ Orthogonal Matrix Has 1 as an Eigenvalue

Problem 419

(a) Let $A$ be a real orthogonal $n\times n$ matrix. Prove that the length (magnitude) of each eigenvalue of $A$ is $1$.

(b) Let $A$ be a real orthogonal $3\times 3$ matrix and suppose that the determinant of $A$ is $1$. Then prove that $A$ has $1$ as an eigenvalue.

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Prove that the Length $\|A^n\mathbf{v}\|$ is As Small As We Like.

Problem 381

Consider the matrix
3/2 & 2\\
-1& -3/2
\end{bmatrix} \in M_{2\times 2}(\R).\]

(a) Find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of $A$.

(b) Show that for $\mathbf{v}=\begin{bmatrix}
1 \\
\end{bmatrix}\in \R^2$, we can choose $n$ large enough so that the length $\|A^n\mathbf{v}\|$ is as small as we like.

(University of California, Berkeley, Linear Algebra Final Exam Problem)
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Ring of Gaussian Integers and Determine its Unit Elements

Problem 188

Denote by $i$ the square root of $-1$.
\[R=\Z[i]=\{a+ib \mid a, b \in \Z \}\] be the ring of Gaussian integers.
We define the norm $N:\Z[i] \to \Z$ by sending $\alpha=a+ib$ to
\[N(\alpha)=\alpha \bar{\alpha}=a^2+b^2.\]

Here $\bar{\alpha}$ is the complex conjugate of $\alpha$.
Then show that an element $\alpha \in R$ is a unit if and only if the norm $N(\alpha)=\pm 1$.
Also, determine all the units of the ring $R=\Z[i]$ of Gaussian integers.

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