The Ring $\Z[\sqrt{2}]$ is a Euclidean Domain
Problem 503
Prove that the ring of integers
\[\Z[\sqrt{2}]=\{a+b\sqrt{2} \mid a, b \in \Z\}\]
of the field $\Q(\sqrt{2})$ is a Euclidean Domain.
Prove that the ring of integers
\[\Z[\sqrt{2}]=\{a+b\sqrt{2} \mid a, b \in \Z\}\]
of the field $\Q(\sqrt{2})$ is a Euclidean Domain.
Let $G$ and $G’$ be a group and let $\phi:G \to G’$ be a group homomorphism.
Show that $\phi$ induces an injective homomorphism from $G/\ker{\phi} \to G’$.
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