Tagged: trace

Determine Whether Given Matrices are Similar

Problem 391

(a) Is the matrix $A=\begin{bmatrix}
1 & 2\\
0& 3
\end{bmatrix}$ similar to the matrix $B=\begin{bmatrix}
3 & 0\\
1& 2

(b) Is the matrix $A=\begin{bmatrix}
0 & 1\\
5& 3
\end{bmatrix}$ similar to the matrix $B=\begin{bmatrix}
1 & 2\\
4& 3

(c) Is the matrix $A=\begin{bmatrix}
-1 & 6\\
-2& 6
\end{bmatrix}$ similar to the matrix $B=\begin{bmatrix}
3 & 0\\
0& 2

(d) Is the matrix $A=\begin{bmatrix}
-1 & 6\\
-2& 6
\end{bmatrix}$ similar to the matrix $B=\begin{bmatrix}
1 & 2\\
-1& 4

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Trace, Determinant, and Eigenvalue (Harvard University Exam Problem)

Problem 389

(a) A $2 \times 2$ matrix $A$ satisfies $\tr(A^2)=5$ and $\tr(A)=3$.
Find $\det(A)$.

(b) A $2 \times 2$ matrix has two parallel columns and $\tr(A)=5$. Find $\tr(A^2)$.

(c) A $2\times 2$ matrix $A$ has $\det(A)=5$ and positive integer eigenvalues. What is the trace of $A$?

(Harvard University, Linear Algebra Exam Problem)

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The Vector Space Consisting of All Traceless Diagonal Matrices

Problem 79

Let $V$ be the set of all $n \times n$ diagonal matrices whose traces are zero.
That is,

V:=\left\{ A=\begin{bmatrix}
a_{11} & 0 & \dots & 0 \\
0 &a_{22} & \dots & 0 \\
0 & 0 & \ddots & \vdots \\
0 & 0 & \dots & a_{nn}
\end{bmatrix} \quad \middle| \quad
a_{11}, \dots, a_{nn} \in \C,\\
\tr(A)=0 \\

Let $E_{ij}$ denote the $n \times n$ matrix whose $(i,j)$-entry is $1$ and zero elsewhere.

(a) Show that $V$ is a subspace of the vector space $M_n$ over $\C$ of all $n\times n$ matrices. (You may assume without a proof that $M_n$ is a vector space.)

(b) Show that matrices
\[E_{11}-E_{22}, \, E_{22}-E_{33}, \, \dots,\, E_{n-1\, n-1}-E_{nn}\] are a basis for the vector space $V$.

(c) Find the dimension of $V$.
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Determinant/Trace and Eigenvalues of a Matrix

Problem 9

Let $A$ be an $n\times n$ matrix and let $\lambda_1, \dots, \lambda_n$ be its eigenvalues.
Show that

(1) $$\det(A)=\prod_{i=1}^n \lambda_i$$

(2) $$\tr(A)=\sum_{i=1}^n \lambda_i$$

Here $\det(A)$ is the determinant of the matrix $A$ and $\tr(A)$ is the trace of the matrix $A$.

Namely, prove that (1) the determinant of $A$ is the product of its eigenvalues, and (2) the trace of $A$ is the sum of the eigenvalues.
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