Note that $E\cap F$ and $E \cap F^c$ are disjoint and $E = (E \cap F) \cup (E \cap F^c)$. It follows that
\[P(E) = P(E \cap F) + P(E \cap F^c).\]
As $E$ and $F$ are independent, we know that
\[P(E \cap F) = P(E)\cdot P(F)\]
Combining these two equalities, we get
P(E \cap F^c) &= P(E) – P(E \cap F)\\
&= P(E) – P(E) \cdot P(F)\\
&= P(E)(1-P(F)).
Since $P(F^c) = 1 – P(F)$, we obtain the equality
\[P(E \cap F^c) = P(E)\cdot P(F^c),\]
which implies that $E$ and $F^c$ are independent.
We just proved that when $E$ and $F$ are independent events, then $E$ and the complement $F^c$ are independent.
Now, we apply this statement to the independent events $E$ and $F^c$. Then we see that the complements $E^c$ and $F^c$ are independent.
In conclusion, if two events are independent, then their complements are also independent.
Probabilities of An Infinite Sequence of Die Rolling
Consider an infinite series of events of rolling a fair six-sided die. Assume that each event is independent of each other. For each of the below, determine its probability.
(1) At least one die lands on the face 5 in the first $n$ rolls.
(2) Exactly $k$ dice land on the face 5 […]
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Independent Events of Playing Cards
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Definition of Independence
Events […]
Independent and Dependent Events of Three Coins Tossing
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Probability that Alice Wins n Games Before Bob Wins m Games
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Jewelry Company Quality Test Failure Probability
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Lower and Upper Bounds of the Probability of the Intersection of Two Events
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\[a \leq P(A \cap B) \leq b\]
and $P(A \cap B)$ could […]