Given any constants $a,b,c$ where $a\neq 0$, find all values of $x$ such that the matrix $A$ is invertible if
1 & 0 & c \\
0 & a & -b \\
-1/a & x & x^{2}
8 & 1 & 6 \\
3 & 5 & 7 \\
4 & 9 & 2
Notice that $A$ contains every integer from $1$ to $9$ and that the sums of each row, column, and diagonal of $A$ are equal. Such a grid is sometimes called a magic square.
The $(i, j)$ cofactor $C_{ij}$ of $A$ is defined to be
where $M_{ij}$ is the $(i,j)$ minor matrix obtained from $A$ removing the $i$-th row and $j$-th column.
Then consider the $n\times n$ matrix $C=(C_{ij})$, and define the $n\times n$ matrix $\Adj(A)=C^{\trans}$.
The matrix $\Adj(A)$ is called the adjoint matrix of $A$.
When $A$ is invertible, then its inverse can be obtained by the formula
For each of the following matrices, determine whether it is invertible, and if so, then find the invertible matrix using the above formula.
Determine whether there exists a nonsingular matrix $A$ if
where $B$ is the following matrix.
-1 & 1 & -1 \\
0 &-1 &0 \\
2 & 1 & -4
If such a nonsingular matrix $A$ exists, find the inverse matrix $A^{-1}$.
(The Ohio State University, Linear Algebra Final Exam Problem)
3 & -12 & 4 \\
-1 &0 &-2 \\
-1 & 5 & -1
Then find all eigenvalues of $A^5$. If $A$ is invertible, then find all the eigenvalues of $A^{-1}$.
For a real number $0\leq \theta \leq \pi$, we define the real $3\times 3$ matrix $A$ by
\cos\theta & -\sin\theta & 0 \\
\sin\theta &\cos\theta &0 \\
0 & 0 & 1
Determine all eigenvalues and their algebraic multiplicities of the matrix
1 & a & 1 \\
a &1 &a \\
1 & a & 1
where $a$ is a real number.
Find the value(s) of $h$ for which the following set of vectors
\[\left \{ \mathbf{v}_1=\begin{bmatrix}
1 \\
0 \\
\end{bmatrix}, \mathbf{v}_2=\begin{bmatrix}
h \\
1 \\
\end{bmatrix}, \mathbf{v}_3=\begin{bmatrix}
1 \\
2h \\
is linearly independent.
(Boston College, Linear Algebra Midterm Exam Sample Problem)
Find all the values of $x$ so that the following matrix $A$ is a singular matrix.
x & x^2 & 1 \\
2 &3 &1 \\
0 & -1 & 1
Then prove that the characteristic polynomial $\det(xI-A)$ of $A$ is the polynomial $p(x)$.
The matrix is called the companion matrix of the polynomial $p(x)$.