Suppose, towards a contradiction, that there is a group isomorphism
\[\phi:(\Q, +) \to (\Q_{ > 0}, \times).\]
Then since $\phi$ is in particular surjective, there exists $r\in \Q$ such that $\phi(r)=2$.
As $r$ is a rational number, so is $r/2$.
It follows that we have
2&=\phi(r)=\phi\left(\, \frac{r}{2}+\frac{r}{2} \,\right)\\
&=\phi\left(\, \frac{r}{2} \,\right)\cdot\phi\left(\, \frac{r}{2} \,\right) &&\text{ because $\phi$ is a homomorphism}\\
&=\phi\left(\, \frac{r}{2} \,\right)^2.
It yields that
\[\phi\left(\, \frac{r}{2} \,\right)=\pm \sqrt{2}.\]
However, this is a contradiction since $\phi\left(\, \frac{r}{2} \,\right)$ must be a positive rational number, yet $\sqrt{2}$ is not a rational number.
We conclude that there is no such group isomorphism, and hence the groups $(\Q, +)$ and $(\Q_{ > 0}\times)$ are not isomorphic as groups.
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