Site Map
- Problems in Mathematics
- Elementary Number Theory
- Field Theory
- General
- Group Theory
- Determine the Number of Elements of Order 3 in a Non-Cyclic Group of Order 57
- If There are 28 Elements of Order 5, How Many Subgroups of Order 5?
- Union of Two Subgroups is Not a Group
- Normal Subgroup Whose Order is Relatively Prime to Its Index
- Every Cyclic Group is Abelian
- The Set of Square Elements in the Multiplicative Group $(\Zmod{p})^*$
- The Number of Elements Satisfying $g^5=e$ in a Finite Group is Odd
- Group Homomorphism from $\Z/n\Z$ to $\Z/m\Z$ When $m$ Divides $n$
- Example of an Infinite Group Whose Elements Have Finite Orders
- If a Half of a Group are Elements of Order 2, then the Rest form an Abelian Normal Subgroup of Odd Order
- Every Group of Order 24 Has a Normal Subgroup of Order 4 or 8
- Every Group of Order 12 Has a Normal Subgroup of Order 3 or 4
- If the Quotient is an Infinite Cyclic Group, then Exists a Normal Subgroup of Index $n$
- If Generators $x, y$ Satisfy the Relation $xy^2=y^3x$, $yx^2=x^3y$, then the Group is Trivial
- The Product of Distinct Sylow $p$-Subgroups Can Never be a Subgroup
- The Normalizer of a Proper Subgroup of a Nilpotent Group is Strictly Bigger
- Elements of Finite Order of an Abelian Group form a Subgroup
- The Additive Group of Rational Numbers and The Multiplicative Group of Positive Rational Numbers are Not Isomorphic
- The Existence of an Element in an Abelian Group of Order the Least Common Multiple of Two Elements
- Every Finite Group Having More than Two Elements Has a Nontrivial Automorphism
- If Two Subsets $A, B$ of a Finite Group $G$ are Large Enough, then $G=AB$
- A Group Homomorphism that Factors though Another Group
- If a Finite Group Acts on a Set Freely and Transitively, then the Numbers of Elements are the Same
- Every Group of Order 72 is Not a Simple Group
- A Subgroup of Index a Prime $p$ of a Group of Order $p^n$ is Normal
- If Squares of Elements in a Group Lie in a Subgroup, then It is a Normal Subgroup
- Example of Two Groups and a Subgroup of the Direct Product that is Not of the Form of Direct Product
- The Symmetric Group is a Semi-Direct Product of the Alternating Group and a Subgroup $\langle(1,2) \rangle$
- Every Sylow 11-Subgroup of a Group of Order 231 is Contained in the Center $Z(G)$
- Every Group of Order 20449 is an Abelian Group
- The Group of Rational Numbers is Not Finitely Generated
- Every Finitely Generated Subgroup of Additive Group $\Q$ of Rational Numbers is Cyclic
- Prove that a Group of Order 217 is Cyclic and Find the Number of Generators
- The Order of a Conjugacy Class Divides the Order of the Group
- The Product of a Subgroup and a Normal Subgroup is a Subgroup
- Inverse Map of a Bijective Homomorphism is a Group Homomorphism
- Group Homomorphism Sends the Inverse Element to the Inverse Element
- Injective Group Homomorphism that does not have Inverse Homomorphism
- Fundamental Theorem of Finitely Generated Abelian Groups and its application
- Prove a Group is Abelian if $(ab)^3=a^3b^3$ and No Elements of Order $
- Prove a Group is Abelian if $(ab)^2=a^2b^2$
- $p$-Group Acting on a Finite Set and the Number of Fixed Points
- Order of Product of Two Elements in a Group
- Group Homomorphisms From Group of Order 21 to Group of Order 49
- Number Theoretical Problem Proved by Group Theory. $a^{2^n}+b^{2^n}\equiv 0 \pmod{p}$ Implies ^{n+1}|p-1$.
- Abelian Normal subgroup, Quotient Group, and Automorphism Group
- Surjective Group Homomorphism to $\Z$ and Direct Product of Abelian Groups
- If Quotient $G/H$ is Abelian Group and $H < K \triangleleft G$, then $G/K$ is Abelian
- Quotient Group of Abelian Group is Abelian
- Special Linear Group is a Normal Subgroup of General Linear Group
- If the Order of a Group is Even, then the Number of Elements of Order 2 is Odd
- A Group is Abelian if and only if Squaring is a Group Homomorphism
- The Additive Group $\R$ is Isomorphic to the Multiplicative Group $\R^{+}$ by Exponent Function
- Torsion Subgroup of an Abelian Group, Quotient is a Torsion-Free Abelian Group
- If a Group $G$ Satisfies $abc=cba$ then $G$ is an Abelian Group
- Non-Abelian Group of Order $pq$ and its Sylow Subgroups
- The Order of $ab$ and $ba$ in a Group are the Same
- A Simple Abelian Group if and only if the Order is a Prime Number
- A Group of Order $ is Solvable
- The Center of the Heisenberg Group Over a Field $F$ is Isomorphic to the Additive Group $F$
- Sylow Subgroups of a Group of Order 33 is Normal Subgroups
- Eckmann–Hilton Argument: Group Operation is a Group Homomorphism
- Equivalent Definitions of Characteristic Subgroups. Center is Characteristic.
- Group of Order $pq$ Has a Normal Sylow Subgroup and Solvable
- Pullback Group of Two Group Homomorphisms into a Group
- A Group Homomorphism is Injective if and only if Monic
- No Finite Abelian Group is Divisible
- Subgroup of Finite Index Contains a Normal Subgroup of Finite Index
- Subgroup Containing All $p$-Sylow Subgroups of a Group
- If a Sylow Subgroup is Normal in a Normal Subgroup, it is a Normal Subgroup
- Cyclic Group if and only if There Exists a Surjective Group Homomorphism From $\Z$
- Group of $p$-Power Roots of 1 is Isomorphic to a Proper Quotient of Itself
- Use Lagrange's Theorem to Prove Fermat's Little Theorem
- If Every Nonidentity Element of a Group has Order 2, then it's an Abelian Group
- Group Homomorphism, Conjugate, Center, and Abelian group
- Group Homomorphism, Preimage, and Product of Groups
- A Group Homomorphism and an Abelian Group
- Order of the Product of Two Elements in an Abelian Group
- Two Normal Subgroups Intersecting Trivially Commute Each Other
- Abelian Normal Subgroup, Intersection, and Product of Groups
- Abelian Groups and Surjective Group Homomorphism
- A Homomorphism from the Additive Group of Integers to Itself
- Image of a Normal Subgroup Under a Surjective Homomorphism is a Normal Subgroup
- Finite Group and Subgroup Criteria
- Non-Abelian Simple Group is Equal to its Commutator Subgroup
- Two Quotients Groups are Abelian then Intersection Quotient is Abelian
- Commutator Subgroup and Abelian Quotient Group
- Finite Group and a Unique Solution of an Equation
- A Group Homomorphism is Injective if and only if the Kernel is Trivial
- Multiplicative Groups of Real Numbers and Complex Numbers are not Isomorphic
- Group Generated by Commutators of Two Normal Subgroups is a Normal Subgroup
- If a Subgroup $H$ is in the Center of a Group $G$ and $G/H$ is Nilpotent, then $G$ is Nilpotent
- Normal Subgroups, Isomorphic Quotients, But Not Isomorphic
- The Index of the Center of a Non-Abelian $p$-Group is Divisible by $p^2$
- Infinite Cyclic Groups Do Not Have Composition Series
- Any Finite Group Has a Composition Series
- Group of Order 18 is Solvable
- If a Subgroup Contains a Sylow Subgroup, then the Normalizer is the Subgroup itself
- The Preimage of a Normal Subgroup Under a Group Homomorphism is Normal
- Isomorphism Criterion of Semidirect Product of Groups
- Nontrivial Action of a Simple Group on a Finite Set
- Conjugate of the Centralizer of a Set is the Centralizer of the Conjugate of the Set
- Group of Invertible Matrices Over a Finite Field and its Stabilizer
- If a Group is of Odd Order, then Any Nonidentity Element is Not Conjugate to its Inverse
- A Subgroup of the Smallest Prime Divisor Index of a Group is Normal
- Are Groups of Order 100, 200 Simple?
- Abelian Group and Direct Product of Its Subgroups
- Normalizer and Centralizer of a Subgroup of Order 2
- A Group of Order $pqr$ Contains a Normal Subgroup of Order Either $p, q$, or $r$
- If the Order is an Even Perfect Number, then a Group is not Simple
- Sylow's Theorem (Summary)
- All the Conjugacy Classes of the Dihedral Group $D_8$ of Order 8
- Centralizer, Normalizer, and Center of the Dihedral Group $D_{8}$
- Dihedral Group and Rotation of the Plane
- Normal Subgroups Intersecting Trivially Commute in a Group
- The Center of the Symmetric group is Trivial if $n>2$
- Group of Order $pq$ is Either Abelian or the Center is Trivial
- Basic Properties of Characteristic Groups
- A Group of Order the Square of a Prime is Abelian
- If the Quotient by the Center is Cyclic, then the Group is Abelian
- A Group with a Prime Power Order Elements Has Order a Power of the Prime.
- Any Subgroup of Index 2 in a Finite Group is Normal
- The Center of a p-Group is Not Trivial
- A Group of Linear Functions
- The Quotient by the Kernel Induces an Injective Homomorphism
- A Condition that a Commutator Group is a Normal Subgroup
- Linear Algebra
- If the Nullity of a Linear Transformation is Zero, then Linearly Independent Vectors are Mapped to Linearly Independent Vectors
- Find All Values of $x$ such that the Matrix is Invertible
- Find All Eigenvalues and Corresponding Eigenvectors for the \times 3$ matrix
- Find All Values of $a$ which Will Guarantee that $A$ Has Eigenvalues 0, 3, and -3.
- Compute the Determinant of a Magic Square
- Are These Linear Transformations?
- Using Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization, Find an Orthogonal Basis for the Span
- Normalize Lengths to Obtain an Orthonormal Basis
- Find a Spanning Set for the Vector Space of Skew-Symmetric Matrices
- Determine Bases for Nullspaces $\calN(A)$ and $\calN(A^{T}A)$
- In which $\R^k$, are the Nullspace and Range Subspaces?
- Prove Vector Space Properties Using Vector Space Axioms
- Find a basis for $\Span(S)$, where $S$ is a Set of Four Vectors
- Find a Basis for the Subspace spanned by Five Vectors
- How to Find a Basis for the Nullspace, Row Space, and Range of a Matrix
- Can We Reduce the Number of Vectors in a Spanning Set?
- Does an Extra Vector Change the Span?
- Vector Space of Functions from a Set to a Vector Space
- Find a Basis for Nullspace, Row Space, and Range of a Matrix
- Describe the Range of the Matrix Using the Definition of the Range
- True or False Problems on Midterm Exam 1 at OSU Spring 2018
- Find the Vector Form Solution to the Matrix Equation $A\mathbf{x}=\mathbf{0}$
- If $\mathbf{v}, \mathbf{w}$ are Linearly Independent Vectors and $A$ is Nonsingular, then $A\mathbf{v}, A\mathbf{w}$ are Linearly Independent
- Find a Nonsingular Matrix $A$ satisfying A=A^2+AB$
- Determine whether the Matrix is Nonsingular from the Given Relation
- Find All Symmetric Matrices satisfying the Equation
- Compute $A^5\mathbf{u}$ Using Linear Combination
- If the Augmented Matrix is Row-Equivalent to the Identity Matrix, is the System Consistent?
- Using Properties of Inverse Matrices, Simplify the Expression
- Elementary Questions about a Matrix
- Are these vectors in the Nullspace of the Matrix?
- Spanning Sets for $\R^2$ or its Subspaces
- Is the Derivative Linear Transformation Diagonalizable?
- Dot Product, Lengths, and Distances of Complex Vectors
- How to Obtain Information of a Vector if Information of Other Vectors are Given
- Inner Products, Lengths, and Distances of 3-Dimensional Real Vectors
- Given the Data of Eigenvalues, Determine if the Matrix is Invertible
- A Recursive Relationship for a Power of a Matrix
- The Rotation Matrix is an Orthogonal Transformation
- The Coordinate Vector for a Polynomial with respect to the Given Basis
- Find a Basis for the Range of a Linear Transformation of Vector Spaces of Matrices
- The Matrix Exponential of a Diagonal Matrix
- Find the Nullspace and Range of the Linear Transformation $T(f)(x) = f(x)-f(0)$
- Find the Matrix Representation of $T(f)(x) = f(x^2)$ if it is a Linear Transformation
- Is the Map $T(f)(x) = f(0) + f(1) \cdot x + f(2) \cdot x^2 + f(3) \cdot x^3$ a Linear Transformation?
- Is the Map $T(f)(x) = (f(x))^2$ a Linear Transformation from the Vector Space of Real Functions?
- The Rank and Nullity of a Linear Transformation from Vector Spaces of Matrices to Polynomials
- Taking the Third Order Taylor Polynomial is a Linear Transformation
- Is the Map $T (f) (x) = f(x) - x - 1$ a Linear Transformation between Vector Spaces of Polynomials?
- The Matrix Representation of the Linear Transformation $T (f) (x) = ( x^2 - 2) f(x)$
- The Range and Nullspace of the Linear Transformation $T (f) (x) = x f(x)$
- Determine whether the Given 3 by 3 Matrices are Nonsingular
- For What Values of $a$, Is the Matrix Nonsingular?
- Are Coefficient Matrices of the Systems of Linear Equations Nonsingular?
- Solving a System of Differential Equation by Finding Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Solve the Linear Dynamical System $\frac{\mathrm{d}\mathbf{x}}{\mathrm{d}t} =A\mathbf{x}$ by Diagonalization
- Prove that $\{ 1 , 1 + x , (1 + x)^2 \}$ is a Basis for the Vector Space of Polynomials of Degree $ or Less
- For Fixed Matrices $R, S$, the Matrices $RAS$ form a Subspace
- A Line is a Subspace if and only if its $y$-Intercept is Zero
- Determine the Values of $a$ so that $W_a$ is a Subspace
- The Set $ \{ a + b \cos(x) + c \cos(2x) \mid a, b, c \in \mathbb{R} \}$ is a Subspace in $C(\R)$
- The Centralizer of a Matrix is a Subspace
- The Set of Vectors Perpendicular to a Given Vector is a Subspace
- Prove that the Center of Matrices is a Subspace
- If $M, P$ are Nonsingular, then Exists a Matrix $N$ such that $MN=P$
- A Condition that a Vector is a Linear Combination of Columns Vectors of a Matrix
- Show that the Given 2 by 2 Matrix is Singular
- Column Vectors of an Upper Triangular Matrix with Nonzero Diagonal Entries are Linearly Independent
- Write a Vector as a Linear Combination of Three Vectors
- Prove that any Set of Vectors Containing the Zero Vector is Linearly Dependent
- Determine Trigonometric Functions with Given Conditions
- Find a Quadratic Function Satisfying Conditions on Derivatives
- Determine a 2-Digit Number Satisfying Two Conditions
- Determine Whether Matrices are in Reduced Row Echelon Form, and Find Solutions of Systems
- If a Symmetric Matrix is in Reduced Row Echelon Form, then Is it Diagonal?
- Find All 3 by 3 Reduced Row Echelon Form Matrices of Rank 1 and 2
- If a Matrix $A$ is Full Rank, then $\rref(A)$ is the Identity Matrix
- If Two Matrices Have the Same Rank, Are They Row-Equivalent?
- Find a Row-Equivalent Matrix which is in Reduced Row Echelon Form and Determine the Rank
- Row Equivalence of Matrices is Transitive
- Find all Column Vector $\mathbf{w}$ such that $\mathbf{v}\mathbf{w}=0$ for a Fixed Vector $\mathbf{v}$
- Prove that $\mathbf{v} \mathbf{v}^\trans$ is a Symmetric Matrix for any Vector $\mathbf{v}$
- The Length of a Vector is Zero if and only if the Vector is the Zero Vector
- A Relation between the Dot Product and the Trace
- Prove that the Dot Product is Commutative: $\mathbf{v}\cdot \mathbf{w}= \mathbf{w} \cdot \mathbf{v}$
- Matrix Operations with Transpose
- Prove that $(A + B) \mathbf{v} = A\mathbf{v} + B\mathbf{v}$ Using the Matrix Components
- Does the Trace Commute with Matrix Multiplication? Is $\tr (A B) = \tr (A) \tr (B) $?
- Is the Trace of the Transposed Matrix the Same as the Trace of the Matrix?
- The Vector $S^{-1}\mathbf{v}$ is the Coordinate Vector of $\mathbf{v}$
- Express the Eigenvalues of a 2 by 2 Matrix in Terms of the Trace and Determinant
- Find Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, and Diagonalize the 2 by 2 Matrix
- Diagonalize a 2 by 2 Symmetric Matrix
- Is the Following Function $T:\R^2 \to \R^3$ a Linear Transformation?
- If the Sum of Entries in Each Row of a Matrix is Zero, then the Matrix is Singular
- Subspace Spanned by Trigonometric Functions $\sin^2(x)$ and $\cos^2(x)$
- Is the Set of All Orthogonal Matrices a Vector Space?
- Linear Transformation $T:\R^2 \to \R^2$ Given in Figure
- Eigenvalues of \times 2$ Symmetric Matrices are Real by Considering Characteristic Polynomials
- If Matrices Commute $AB=BA$, then They Share a Common Eigenvector
- Find a Basis of the Subspace Spanned by Four Polynomials of Degree 3 or Less
- Determine the Dimension of a Mysterious Vector Space From Coordinate Vectors
- Matrix Representation, Rank, and Nullity of a Linear Transformation $T:\R^2\to \R^3$
- Find Bases for the Null Space, Range, and the Row Space of a \times 4$ Matrix
- Are the Trigonometric Functions $\sin^2(x)$ and $\cos^2(x)$ Linearly Independent?
- Find an Orthonormal Basis of the Given Two Dimensional Vector Space
- Vector Space of 2 by 2 Traceless Matrices
- Find an Orthonormal Basis of $\R^3$ Containing a Given Vector
- The Inverse Matrix of a Symmetric Matrix whose Diagonal Entries are All Positive
- Linear Transformation that Maps Each Vector to Its Reflection with Respect to $x$-Axis
- An Example of a Real Matrix that Does Not Have Real Eigenvalues
- The Intersection of Two Subspaces is also a Subspace
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of The Cross Product Linear Transformation
- An Orthogonal Transformation from $\R^n$ to $\R^n$ is an Isomorphism
- Orthogonal Nonzero Vectors Are Linearly Independent
- Exponential Functions Form a Basis of a Vector Space
- Use Coordinate Vectors to Show a Set is a Basis for the Vector Space of Polynomials of Degree 2 or Less
- Commuting Matrices $AB=BA$ such that $A-B$ is Nilpotent Have the Same Eigenvalues
- The set of \times 2$ Symmetric Matrices is a Subspace
- Diagonalize the \times 2$ Hermitian Matrix by a Unitary Matrix
- A Diagonalizable Matrix which is Not Diagonalized by a Real Nonsingular Matrix
- Diagonalize the Upper Triangular Matrix and Find the Power of the Matrix
- Is the Sum of a Nilpotent Matrix and an Invertible Matrix Invertible?
- The Subspace of Linear Combinations whose Sums of Coefficients are zero
- The Column Vectors of Every \times 5$ Matrix Are Linearly Dependent
- Determine Whether Each Set is a Basis for $\R^3$
- Find the Dimension of the Subspace of Vectors Perpendicular to Given Vectors
- Every Basis of a Subspace Has the Same Number of Vectors
- If there are More Vectors Than a Spanning Set, then Vectors are Linearly Dependent
- Three Linearly Independent Vectors in $\R^3$ Form a Basis. Three Vectors Spanning $\R^3$ Form a Basis.
- Linear Algebra Midterm 1 at the Ohio State University (3/3)
- Linear Algebra Midterm 1 at the Ohio State University (2/3)
- Linear Algebra Midterm 1 at the Ohio State University (1/3)
- An Example of Matrices $A$, $B$ such that $\mathrm{rref}(AB)\neq \mathrm{rref}(A) \mathrm{rref}(B)$
- The Powers of the Matrix with Cosine and Sine Functions
- An Example of a Matrix that Cannot Be a Commutator
- 7 Problems on Skew-Symmetric Matrices
- Determine a Condition on $a, b$ so that Vectors are Linearly Dependent
- Two Matrices are Nonsingular if and only if the Product is Nonsingular
- A Singular Matrix and Matrix Equations $A\mathbf{x}=\mathbf{e}_i$ With Unit Vectors
- The Matrix $[A_1, \dots, A_{n-1}, A\mathbf{b}]$ is Always Singular, Where $A=[A_1,\dots, A_{n-1}]$ and $\mathbf{b}\in \R^{n-1}$.
- Prove $\mathbf{x}^{\trans}A\mathbf{x} \geq 0$ and determine those $\mathbf{x}$ such that $\mathbf{x}^{\trans}A\mathbf{x}=0$
- The Transpose of a Nonsingular Matrix is Nonsingular
- Construction of a Symmetric Matrix whose Inverse Matrix is Itself
- The Range and Null Space of the Zero Transformation of Vector Spaces
- Find the Inverse Linear Transformation if the Linear Transformation is an Isomorphism
- Find the Inverse Matrices if Matrices are Invertible by Elementary Row Operations
- The Sum of Cosine Squared in an Inner Product Space
- Rotation Matrix in the Plane and its Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Using the Wronskian for Exponential Functions, Determine Whether the Set is Linearly Independent
- A One Side Inverse Matrix is the Inverse Matrix: If $AB=I$, then $BA=I$
- Inverse Matrix Contains Only Integers if and only if the Determinant is $\pm 1$
- Find Inverse Matrices Using Adjoint Matrices
- Every $n$-Dimensional Vector Space is Isomorphic to the Vector Space $\R^n$
- A Linear Transformation $T: U\to V$ cannot be Injective if $\dim(U) > \dim(V)$
- A Linear Transformation is Injective (One-To-One) if and only if the Nullity is Zero
- The Inner Product on $\R^2$ induced by a Positive Definite Matrix and Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization
- A Symmetric Positive Definite Matrix and An Inner Product on a Vector Space
- True or False: If $A, B$ are 2 by 2 Matrices such that $(AB)^2=O$, then $(BA)^2=O$
- Diagonalize the Complex Symmetric 3 by 3 Matrix with $\sin x$ and $\cos x$
- Is the Linear Transformation Between the Vector Space of 2 by 2 Matrices an Isomorphism?
- Unit Vectors and Idempotent Matrices
- A Positive Definite Matrix Has a Unique Positive Definite Square Root
- Find All the Square Roots of a Given 2 by 2 Matrix
- No/Infinitely Many Square Roots of 2 by 2 Matrices
- How to Prove a Matrix is Nonsingular in 10 Seconds
- Eigenvalues of a Matrix and its Transpose are the Same
- The Inverse Matrix of the Transpose is the Transpose of the Inverse Matrix
- The Formula for the Inverse Matrix of $I+A$ for a \times 2$ Singular Matrix $A$
- Every Diagonalizable Nilpotent Matrix is the Zero Matrix
- How to Use the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem to Find the Inverse Matrix
- 10 True of False Problems about Nonsingular / Invertible Matrices
- The Matrix for the Linear Transformation of the Reflection Across a Line in the Plane
- A Matrix Commuting With a Diagonal Matrix with Distinct Entries is Diagonal
- Determine Whether There Exists a Nonsingular Matrix Satisfying $A^4=ABA^2+2A^3$
- Compute $A^{10}\mathbf{v}$ Using Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of the Matrix $A$
- Given the Characteristic Polynomial, Find the Rank of the Matrix
- Diagonalize the 3 by 3 Matrix Whose Entries are All One
- Find Values of $a, b, c$ such that the Given Matrix is Diagonalizable
- Find a Basis of the Vector Space of Polynomials of Degree 2 or Less Among Given Polynomials
- Determine Whether Given Subsets in $\R^4$ are Subspaces or Not
- The Product of Two Nonsingular Matrices is Nonsingular
- Find an Orthonormal Basis of the Range of a Linear Transformation
- Diagonalize a 2 by 2 Matrix if Diagonalizable
- Find a Basis of the Eigenspace Corresponding to a Given Eigenvalue
- Find All the Eigenvalues of 4 by 4 Matrix
- The Determinant of a Skew-Symmetric Matrix is Zero
- A Linear Transformation Preserves Exactly Two Lines If and Only If There are Two Real Non-Zero Eigenvalues
- Use the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem to Compute the Power $A^{100}$
- If $A$ is a Skew-Symmetric Matrix, then $I+A$ is Nonsingular and $(I-A)(I+A)^{-1}$ is Orthogonal
- Diagonalize a 2 by 2 Matrix $A$ and Calculate the Power $A^{100}$
- Are Linear Transformations of Derivatives and Integrations Linearly Independent?
- Determine the Values of $a$ such that the 2 by 2 Matrix is Diagonalizable
- A Matrix Equation of a Symmetric Matrix and the Limit of its Solution
- Diagonalize the 3 by 3 Matrix if it is Diagonalizable
- All Linear Transformations that Take the Line $y=x$ to the Line $y=-x$
- Differentiating Linear Transformation is Nilpotent
- Eigenvalues of Similarity Transformations
- Inequality about Eigenvalue of a Real Symmetric Matrix
- Null Space, Nullity, Range, Rank of a Projection Linear Transformation
- If $A^{\trans}A=A$, then $A$ is a Symmetric Idempotent Matrix
- Solve the System of Linear Equations Using the Inverse Matrix of the Coefficient Matrix
- The Rank of the Sum of Two Matrices
- Dimension of the Sum of Two Subspaces
- True or False. Every Diagonalizable Matrix is Invertible
- True of False Problems on Determinants and Invertible Matrices
- Subspace Spanned By Cosine and Sine Functions
- Differentiation is a Linear Transformation
- The Sum of Subspaces is a Subspace of a Vector Space
- Idempotent Matrices are Diagonalizable
- Restriction of a Linear Transformation on the x-z Plane is a Linear Transformation
- Union of Subspaces is a Subspace if and only if One is Included in Another
- If $A$ is an Idempotent Matrix, then When $I-kA$ is an Idempotent Matrix?
- Every Complex Matrix Can Be Written as $A=B+iC$, where $B, C$ are Hermitian Matrices
- If Two Matrices Have the Same Eigenvalues with Linearly Independent Eigenvectors, then They Are Equal
- Determine All Matrices Satisfying Some Conditions on Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Find the Inverse Matrix Using the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
- Eigenvalues of Orthogonal Matrices Have Length 1. Every \times 3$ Orthogonal Matrix Has 1 as an Eigenvalue
- There is at Least One Real Eigenvalue of an Odd Real Matrix
- A Relation of Nonzero Row Vectors and Column Vectors
- Express a Hermitian Matrix as a Sum of Real Symmetric Matrix and a Real Skew-Symmetric Matrix
- Complex Conjugates of Eigenvalues of a Real Matrix are Eigenvalues
- Sequence Converges to the Largest Eigenvalue of a Matrix
- Find All the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of the 6 by 6 Matrix
- Inverse Matrix of Positive-Definite Symmetric Matrix is Positive-Definite
- Positive definite Real Symmetric Matrix and its Eigenvalues
- If Two Vectors Satisfy $A\mathbf{x}=0$ then Find Another Solution
- For Which Choices of $x$ is the Given Matrix Invertible?
- If a Matrix is the Product of Two Matrices, is it Invertible?
- Find a Linear Transformation Whose Image (Range) is a Given Subspace
- Determine Whether Given Matrices are Similar
- If Two Matrices are Similar, then their Determinants are the Same
- Trace, Determinant, and Eigenvalue (Harvard University Exam Problem)
- Find All the Eigenvalues of $A^k$ from Eigenvalues of $A$
- Find the Nullity of the Matrix $A+I$ if Eigenvalues are , 2, 3, 4, 5$
- Quiz 13 (Part 2) Find Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Special Matrix
- Quiz 13 (Part 1) Diagonalize a Matrix
- Determine Dimensions of Eigenspaces From Characteristic Polynomial of Diagonalizable Matrix
- Find the Formula for the Power of a Matrix
- Common Eigenvector of Two Matrices $A, B$ is Eigenvector of $A+B$ and $AB$.
- Prove that the Length $\|A^n\mathbf{v}\|$ is As Small As We Like.
- Determinant of Matrix whose Diagonal Entries are 6 and 2 Elsewhere
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Matrix Whose Diagonal Entries are 3 and 9 Elsewhere
- Eigenvalues and Algebraic/Geometric Multiplicities of Matrix $A+cI$
- Idempotent (Projective) Matrices are Diagonalizable
- Quiz 12. Find Eigenvalues and their Algebraic and Geometric Multiplicities
- Powers of a Matrix Cannot be a Basis of the Vector Space of Matrices
- Determinant of a General Circulant Matrix
- Compute Power of Matrix If Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Are Given
- Hyperplane Through Origin is Subspace of 4-Dimensional Vector Space
- Find Matrix Representation of Linear Transformation From $\R^2$ to $\R^2$
- Rank and Nullity of Linear Transformation From $\R^3$ to $\R^2$
- Determine a Value of Linear Transformation From $\R^3$ to $\R^2$
- Basis of Span in Vector Space of Polynomials of Degree 2 or Less
- Orthonormal Basis of Null Space and Row Space
- Determine Whether Trigonometry Functions $\sin^2(x), \cos^2(x), 1$ are Linearly Independent or Dependent
- True or False Problems of Vector Spaces and Linear Transformations
- Quiz 11. Find Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors/ Properties of Determinants
- Find All the Eigenvalues of Power of Matrix and Inverse Matrix
- If Every Vector is Eigenvector, then Matrix is a Multiple of Identity Matrix
- Quiz 10. Find Orthogonal Basis / Find Value of Linear Transformation
- Prove the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
- Find a General Formula of a Linear Transformation From $\R^2$ to $\R^3$
- Hyperplane in $n$-Dimensional Space Through Origin is a Subspace
- Coordinate Vectors and Dimension of Subspaces (Span)
- Quiz 9. Find a Basis of the Subspace Spanned by Four Matrices
- Condition that a Matrix is Similar to the Companion Matrix of its Characteristic Polynomial
- Linearly Dependent if and only if a Vector Can be Written as a Linear Combination of Remaining Vectors
- Give a Formula For a Linear Transformation From $\R^2$ to $\R^3$
- 12 Examples of Subsets that Are Not Subspaces of Vector Spaces
- If 2 by 2 Matrices Satisfy $A=AB-BA$, then $A^2$ is Zero Matrix
- Normal Nilpotent Matrix is Zero Matrix
- Linear Transformation $T(X)=AX-XA$ and Determinant of Matrix Representation
- Linear Transformation to 1-Dimensional Vector Space and Its Kernel
- Quiz 8. Determine Subsets are Subspaces: Functions Taking Integer Values / Set of Skew-Symmetric Matrices
- Idempotent Linear Transformation and Direct Sum of Image and Kernel
- Determine linear transformation using matrix representation
- Find the Formula for the Power of a Matrix Using Linear Recurrence Relation
- Solve a Linear Recurrence Relation Using Vector Space Technique
- Quiz 7. Find a Basis of the Range, Rank, and Nullity of a Matrix
- Problems and Solutions About Similar Matrices
- If Column Vectors Form Orthonormal set, is Row Vectors Form Orthonormal Set?
- Is there an Odd Matrix Whose Square is $-I$?
- Basis with Respect to Which the Matrix for Linear Transformation is Diagonal
- Matrix of Linear Transformation with respect to a Basis Consisting of Eigenvectors
- Quiz 6. Determine Vectors in Null Space, Range / Find a Basis of Null Space
- Find a Condition that a Vector be a Linear Combination
- Intersection of Two Null Spaces is Contained in Null Space of Sum of Two Matrices
- Solve Linear Recurrence Relation Using Linear Algebra (Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors)
- Matrix Representation of a Linear Transformation of Subspace of Sequences Satisfying Recurrence Relation
- Sequences Satisfying Linear Recurrence Relation Form a Subspace
- Example of a Nilpotent Matrix $A$ such that $A^2\neq O$ but $A^3=O$.
- Quiz 5: Example and Non-Example of Subspaces in 3-Dimensional Space
- Given a Spanning Set of the Null Space of a Matrix, Find the Rank
- If a Matrix $A$ is Singular, then Exists Nonzero $B$ such that $AB$ is the Zero Matrix
- Solve a System by the Inverse Matrix and Compute $A^{2017}\mathbf{x}$
- Find the Inverse Matrix of a \times 3$ Matrix if Exists
- Express a Vector as a Linear Combination of Given Three Vectors
- Compute and Simplify the Matrix Expression Including Transpose and Inverse Matrices
- Solve the System of Linear Equations and Give the Vector Form for the General Solution
- The Possibilities For the Number of Solutions of Systems of Linear Equations that Have More Equations than Unknowns
- Every Plane Through the Origin in the Three Dimensional Space is a Subspace
- The Subset Consisting of the Zero Vector is a Subspace and its Dimension is Zero
- Quiz 4: Inverse Matrix/ Nonsingular Matrix Satisfying a Relation
- Summary: Possibilities for the Solution Set of a System of Linear Equations
- Basis For Subspace Consisting of Matrices Commute With a Given Diagonal Matrix
- Determine Whether a Set of Functions $f(x)$ such that $f(x)=f(1-x)$ is a Subspace
- Linearly Independent vectors $\mathbf{v}_1, \mathbf{v}_2$ and Linearly Independent Vectors $A\mathbf{v}_1, A\mathbf{v}_2$ for a Nonsingular Matrix
- Dual Vector Space and Dual Basis, Some Equality
- Quiz 3. Condition that Vectors are Linearly Dependent/ Orthogonal Vectors are Linearly Independent
- Find a Nonsingular Matrix Satisfying Some Relation
- Determine Conditions on Scalars so that the Set of Vectors is Linearly Dependent
- Determine Linearly Independent or Linearly Dependent. Express as a Linear Combination
- Linear Transformation, Basis For the Range, Rank, and Nullity, Not Injective
- The Inverse Matrix of an Upper Triangular Matrix with Variables
- The Union of Two Subspaces is Not a Subspace in a Vector Space
- Quiz 2. The Vector Form For the General Solution / Transpose Matrices. Math 2568 Spring 2017.
- Find All Matrices $B$ that Commutes With a Given Matrix $A$: $AB=BA$
- If a Matrix $A$ is Singular, There Exists Nonzero $B$ such that the Product $AB$ is the Zero Matrix
- Prove a Given Subset is a Subspace and Find a Basis and Dimension
- Eigenvalues of Real Skew-Symmetric Matrix are Zero or Purely Imaginary and the Rank is Even
- Vector Form for the General Solution of a System of Linear Equations
- Invertible Matrix Satisfying a Quadratic Polynomial
- Idempotent Matrices. 2007 University of Tokyo Entrance Exam Problem
- If matrix product $AB$ is a square, then is $BA$ a square matrix?
- Quiz 1. Gauss-Jordan Elimination / Homogeneous System. Math 2568 Spring 2017.
- Matrix $XY-YX$ Never Be the Identity Matrix
- Row Equivalent Matrix, Bases for the Null Space, Range, and Row Space of a Matrix
- Determine a Matrix From Its Eigenvalue
- Linear Combination of Eigenvectors is Not an Eigenvector
- Use Cramer's Rule to Solve a \times 2$ System of Linear Equations
- Basis and Dimension of the Subspace of All Polynomials of Degree 4 or Less Satisfying Some Conditions.
- Matrix Representation of a Linear Transformation of the Vector Space $R^2$ to $R^2$
- Find the Distance Between Two Vectors if the Lengths and the Dot Product are Given
- True or False. The Intersection of Bases is a Basis of the Intersection of Subspaces
- Find a Matrix so that a Given Subset is the Null Space of the Matrix, hence it's a Subspace
- The Inverse Matrix is Unique
- Sherman-Woodbery Formula for the Inverse Matrix
- Find Values of $a$ so that Augmented Matrix Represents a Consistent System
- Condition that Two Matrices are Row Equivalent
- Determine Null Spaces of Two Matrices
- If Eigenvalues of a Matrix $A$ are Less than $, then Determinant of $I-A$ is Positive
- Is a Set of All Nilpotent Matrix a Vector Space?
- Orthogonality of Eigenvectors of a Symmetric Matrix Corresponding to Distinct Eigenvalues
- Dimension of Null Spaces of Similar Matrices are the Same
- Rotation Matrix in Space and its Determinant and Eigenvalues
- Given Graphs of Characteristic Polynomial of Diagonalizable Matrices, Determine the Rank of Matrices
- Two Matrices with the Same Characteristic Polynomial. Diagonalize if Possible.
- Find the Inverse Matrix of a Matrix With Fractions
- A Matrix Similar to a Diagonalizable Matrix is Also Diagonalizable
- How to Diagonalize a Matrix. Step by Step Explanation.
- Diagonalizable by an Orthogonal Matrix Implies a Symmetric Matrix
- Eigenvalues and their Algebraic Multiplicities of a Matrix with a Variable
- Eigenvalues of a Hermitian Matrix are Real Numbers
- Cosine and Sine Functions are Linearly Independent
- Maximize the Dimension of the Null Space of $A-aI$
- Find Values of $h$ so that the Given Vectors are Linearly Independent
- Compute Determinant of a Matrix Using Linearly Independent Vectors
- Find the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of the Matrix $A^4-3A^3+3A^2-2A+8E$.
- A Matrix Having One Positive Eigenvalue and One Negative Eigenvalue
- Given All Eigenvalues and Eigenspaces, Compute a Matrix Product
- Two Eigenvectors Corresponding to Distinct Eigenvalues are Linearly Independent
- Is the Determinant of a Matrix Additive?
- Eigenvalues of a Stochastic Matrix is Always Less than or Equal to 1
- Eigenvalues of Squared Matrix and Upper Triangular Matrix
- Eigenvalues of a Matrix and Its Squared Matrix
- Linear Transformation and a Basis of the Vector Space $\R^3$
- Given Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues, Compute a Matrix Product (Stanford University Exam)
- Determine Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Diagonalizable From a Partial Information of a Matrix
- Characteristic Polynomial, Eigenvalues, Diagonalization Problem (Princeton University Exam)
- Idempotent Matrix and its Eigenvalues
- Find All the Values of $x$ so that a Given \times 3$ Matrix is Singular
- Find All Values of $x$ so that a Matrix is Singular
- Subspace of Skew-Symmetric Matrices and Its Dimension
- Vector Space of Polynomials and a Basis of Its Subspace
- A Matrix Representation of a Linear Transformation and Related Subspaces
- Inner Product, Norm, and Orthogonal Vectors
- Give a Formula for a Linear Transformation if the Values on Basis Vectors are Known
- Linear Independent Continuous Functions
- Vector Space of Polynomials and Coordinate Vectors
- Give the Formula for a Linear Transformation from $\R^3$ to $\R^2$
- Linear Properties of Matrix Multiplication and the Null Space of a Matrix
- Range, Null Space, Rank, and Nullity of a Linear Transformation from $\R^2$ to $\R^3$
- Show the Subset of the Vector Space of Polynomials is a Subspace and Find its Basis
- Find a Basis for a Subspace of the Vector Space of \times 2$ Matrices
- Any Vector is a Linear Combination of Basis Vectors Uniquely
- A Basis for the Vector Space of Polynomials of Degree Two or Less and Coordinate Vectors
- Nilpotent Matrices and Non-Singularity of Such Matrices
- Subspaces of Symmetric, Skew-Symmetric Matrices
- Find a Value of a Linear Transformation From $\R^2$ to $\R^3$
- Linear Independent Vectors and the Vector Space Spanned By Them
- Rank and Nullity of a Matrix, Nullity of Transpose
- Sum of Squares of Hermitian Matrices is Zero, then Hermitian Matrices Are All Zero
- How to Find the Determinant of the \times 3$ Matrix
- Find a Basis and Determine the Dimension of a Subspace of All Polynomials of Degree $n$ or Less
- Column Rank = Row Rank. (The Rank of a Matrix is the Same as the Rank of its Transpose)
- Rank of the Product of Matrices $AB$ is Less than or Equal to the Rank of $A$
- Subspaces of the Vector Space of All Real Valued Function on the Interval
- Square Root of an Upper Triangular Matrix. How Many Square Roots Exist?
- Find a Basis For the Null Space of a Given \times 3$ Matrix
- Find a Basis and the Dimension of the Subspace of the 4-Dimensional Vector Space
- Find Values of $a$ so that the Matrix is Nonsingular
- Non-Example of a Subspace in 3-dimensional Vector Space $\R^3$
- The Null Space (the Kernel) of a Matrix is a Subspace of $\R^n$
- If Vectors are Linearly Dependent, then What Happens When We Add One More Vectors?
- Subset of Vectors Perpendicular to Two Vectors is a Subspace
- Express a Vector as a Linear Combination of Other Vectors
- Compute the Product $A^{2017}\mathbf{u}$ of a Matrix Power and a Vector
- Symmetric Matrices and the Product of Two Matrices
- A Condition that a Linear System has Nontrivial Solutions
- 10 True or False Problems about Basic Matrix Operations
- Find the Rank of a Matrix with a Parameter
- Possibilities For the Number of Solutions for a Linear System
- Determine When the Given Matrix Invertible
- If the Matrix Product $AB=0$, then is $BA=0$ as Well?
- True or False: $(A-B)(A+B)=A^2-B^2$ for Matrices $A$ and $B$
- Quiz: Possibilities For the Solution Set of a Homogeneous System of Linear Equations
- In a Field of Positive Characteristic, $A^p=I$ Does Not Imply that $A$ is Diagonalizable.
- Find a Polynomial Satisfying the Given Conditions on Derivatives
- Quiz: Linear Equations and Matrix Entreis
- Companion Matrix for a Polynomial
- If a Power of a Matrix is the Identity, then the Matrix is Diagonalizable
- Isomorphism of the Endomorphism and the Tensor Product of a Vector Space
- The Vector Space Consisting of All Traceless Diagonal Matrices
- True or False Quiz About a System of Linear Equations
- Is the Product of a Nilpotent Matrix and an Invertible Matrix Nilpotent?
- Determine Whether the Following Matrix Invertible. If So Find Its Inverse Matrix.
- A Linear Transformation from Vector Space over Rational Numbers to itself
- Exponential Functions are Linearly Independent
- Conditions on Coefficients that a Matrix is Nonsingular
- Matrix Representations for Linear Transformations of the Vector Space of Polynomials
- Is an Eigenvector of a Matrix an Eigenvector of its Inverse?
- Matrices Satisfying $HF-FH=-2F$
- Matrices Satisfying the Relation $HE-EH=2E$
- True or False: Eigenvalues of a Real Matrix Are Real Numbers
- Linear Independent Vectors, Invertible Matrix, and Expression of a Vector as a Linear Combinations
- Solving a System of Linear Equations By Using an Inverse Matrix
- A Square Root Matrix of a Symmetric Matrix with Non-Negative Eigenvalues
- If the Images of Vectors are Linearly Independent, then They Are Linearly Independent
- Two Subspaces Intersecting Trivially, and the Direct Sum of Vector Spaces.
- Projection to the subspace spanned by a vector
- A Square Root Matrix of a Symmetric Matrix
- Inequality Regarding Ranks of Matrices
- Characteristic Polynomials of $AB$ and $BA$ are the Same
- Perturbation of a Singular Matrix is Nonsingular
- Simple Commutative Relation on Matrices
- All the Eigenvectors of a Matrix Are Eigenvectors of Another Matrix
- Find the Limit of a Matrix
- Linearly Independent/Dependent Vectors Question
- How to Calculate and Simplify a Matrix Polynomial
- Trace of the Inverse Matrix of a Finite Order Matrix
- Calculate Determinants of Matrices
- Find a Matrix that Maps Given Vectors to Given Vectors
- Find All Matrices Satisfying a Given Relation
- Symmetric Matrix and Its Eigenvalues, Eigenspaces, and Eigenspaces
- Calculate $A^{10}$ for a Given Matrix $A$
- Find a Basis of the Subspace of All Vectors that are Perpendicular to the Columns of the Matrix
- Given the Characteristic Polynomial of a Diagonalizable Matrix, Find the Size of the Matrix, Dimension of Eigenspace
- If the Kernel of a Matrix $A$ is Trivial, then $A^T A$ is Invertible
- Diagonalizable Matrix with Eigenvalue 1, -1
- Find a Formula for a Linear Transformation
- Find the Rank of the Matrix $A+I$ if Eigenvalues of $A$ are , 2, 3, 4, 5$
- Stochastic Matrix (Markov Matrix) and its Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- The Subspace of Matrices that are Diagonalized by a Fixed Matrix
- Find all Values of x such that the Given Matrix is Invertible
- Equivalent Conditions to be a Unitary Matrix
- Finite Order Matrix and its Trace
- Solve a System of Linear Equations by Gauss-Jordan Elimination
- A Matrix is Invertible If and Only If It is Nonsingular
- Properties of Nonsingular and Singular Matrices
- Solving a System of Linear Equations Using Gaussian Elimination
- How to Find Eigenvalues of a Specific Matrix.
- If Every Trace of a Power of a Matrix is Zero, then the Matrix is Nilpotent
- Questions About the Trace of a Matrix
- Linear Dependent/Independent Vectors of Polynomials
- Possibilities of the Number of Solutions of a Homogeneous System of Linear Equations
- Common Eigenvector of Two Matrices and Determinant of Commutator
- Transpose of a Matrix and Eigenvalues and Related Questions
- Nilpotent Matrix and Eigenvalues of the Matrix
- Determinant/Trace and Eigenvalues of a Matrix
- How to Find a Formula of the Power of a Matrix
- Powers of a Diagonal Matrix
- A Linear Transformation Maps the Zero Vector to the Zero Vector
- Similar Matrices Have the Same Eigenvalues
- Invertible Idempotent Matrix is the Identity Matrix
- Math-Magic
- Module Theory
- Probability
- Ring theory
- The Zero is the only Nilpotent Element of the Quotient Ring by its Nilradical
- Three Equivalent Conditions for an Ideal is Prime in a PID
- Every Prime Ideal of a Finite Commutative Ring is Maximal
- Ring Homomorphisms and Radical Ideals
- Example of an Element in the Product of Ideals that Cannot be Written as the Product of Two Elements
- Is the Set of Nilpotent Element an Ideal?
- Boolean Rings Do Not Have Nonzero Nilpotent Elements
- If the Localization is Noetherian for All Prime Ideals, Is the Ring Noetherian?
- A Ring is Commutative if Whenever $ab=ca$, then $b=c$
- If Every Proper Ideal of a Commutative Ring is a Prime Ideal, then It is a Field.
- Is the Quotient Ring of an Integral Domain still an Integral Domain?
- Polynomial Ring with Integer Coefficients and the Prime Ideal $I=\{f(x) \in \Z[x] \mid f(-2)=0\}$
- A Ring Has Infinitely Many Nilpotent Elements if $ab=1$ and $ba \neq 1$
- If $ab=1$ in a Ring, then $ba=1$ when $a$ or $b$ is Not a Zero Divisor
- Every Ideal of the Direct Product of Rings is the Direct Product of Ideals
- Every Prime Ideal in a PID is Maximal / A Quotient of a PID by a Prime Ideal is a PID
- The Quotient Ring $\Z[i]/I$ is Finite for a Nonzero Ideal of the Ring of Gaussian Integers
- The Image of an Ideal Under a Surjective Ring Homomorphism is an Ideal
- No Nonzero Zero Divisor in a Field / Direct Product of Rings is Not a Field
- Every Prime Ideal is Maximal if $a^n=a$ for any Element $a$ in the Commutative Ring
- A ring is Local if and only if the set of Non-Units is an Ideal
- The Quotient Ring by an Ideal of a Ring of Some Matrices is Isomorphic to $\Q$.
- Is the Given Subset of The Ring of Integer Matrices an Ideal?
- Examples of Prime Ideals in Commutative Rings that are Not Maximal Ideals
- The Quadratic Integer Ring $\Z[\sqrt{5}]$ is not a Unique Factorization Domain (UFD)
- The Quadratic Integer Ring $\Z[\sqrt{-5}]$ is not a Unique Factorization Domain (UFD)
- Prove the Ring Isomorphism $R[x,y]/(x) \cong R[y]$
- Idempotent Elements and Zero Divisors in a Ring and in an Integral Domain
- The Ring $\Z[\sqrt{2}]$ is a Euclidean Domain
- Every Ring of Order $p^2$ is Commutative
- The Polynomial Rings $\Z[x]$ and $\Q[x]$ are Not Isomorphic
- Determine the Quotient Ring $\Z[\sqrt{10}]/(2, \sqrt{10})$
- Every Integral Domain Artinian Ring is a Field
- Three Equivalent Conditions for a Ring to be a Field
- If $R$ is a Noetherian Ring and $f:R\to R'$ is a Surjective Homomorphism, then $R'$ is Noetherian
- The Preimage of Prime ideals are Prime Ideals
- The Inverse Image of an Ideal by a Ring Homomorphism is an Ideal
- Polynomial $(x-1)(x-2)\cdots (x-n)-1$ is Irreducible Over the Ring of Integers $\Z$
- If Two Ideals Are Comaximal in a Commutative Ring, then Their Powers Are Comaximal Ideals
- Every Maximal Ideal of a Commutative Ring is a Prime Ideal
- A Maximal Ideal in the Ring of Continuous Functions and a Quotient Ring
- Irreducible Polynomial Over the Ring of Polynomials Over Integral Domain
- Ring Homomorphisms from the Ring of Rational Numbers are Determined by the Values at Integers
- Generators of the Augmentation Ideal in a Group Ring
- There is Exactly One Ring Homomorphism From the Ring of Integers to Any Ring
- Primary Ideals, Prime Ideals, and Radical Ideals
- $(x^3-y^2)$ is a Prime Ideal in the Ring $R[x, y]$, $R$ is an Integral Domain.
- Polynomial $x^4-2x-1$ is Irreducible Over the Field of Rational Numbers $\Q$
- Characteristic of an Integral Domain is 0 or a Prime Number
- 5 is Prime But 7 is Not Prime in the Ring $\Z[\sqrt{2}]$
- A Prime Ideal in the Ring $\Z[\sqrt{10}]$
- If a Prime Ideal Contains No Nonzero Zero Divisors, then the Ring is an Integral Domain
- How Many Solutions for $x+x=1$ in a Ring?
- Ideal Quotient (Colon Ideal) is an Ideal
- Non-Prime Ideal of Continuous Functions
- The Ideal $(x)$ is Prime in the Polynomial Ring $R[x]$ if and only if the Ring $R$ is an Integral Domain
- If the Quotient Ring is a Field, then the Ideal is Maximal
- Finite Integral Domain is a Field
- Ring of Gaussian Integers and Determine its Unit Elements
- $\sqrt[m]{2}$ is an Irrational Number
- The Ideal Generated by a Non-Unit Irreducible Element in a PID is Maximal
- In a Principal Ideal Domain (PID), a Prime Ideal is a Maximal Ideal
- Equivalent Conditions For a Prime Ideal in a Commutative Ring
- Prime Ideal is Irreducible in a Commutative Ring
- Ring is a Filed if and only if the Zero Ideal is a Maximal Ideal
- Nilpotent Element a in a Ring and Unit Element -ab$
- Rings \Z$ and \Z$ are Not Isomorphic
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